About Me
My name is Todd Langston and I have been working with dogs professionally since 2007. Although I am educated in Psychology I never intended on working with dogs or in the field of behavior. Boy was I wrong.
When my wife and I lived in Seal Beach in Southern California we thought it was a good idea to get a dog. So in 2005 we a got a German Shepherd named Maui and quickly made the same common mistakes I see with clients every day.
This started a whole new journey in my life I never saw coming.
Our lack of know how led to a dog that was unsocialized and aggressive towards people and dogs. So then we got a second dog to “help” the first dog become social and ended up with a fight club in our house. I still remember the feelings of helplessness, fear and stress of an uncontrollable dog fight. I still vividly remember her biting a neighbor and what that did to the vibe on the street.
I have paid with dollars and tears for my mistakes so I truly understand what it takes to help someone when things feel out of control.
Those experiences happened many years ago but they shaped my fundamental understanding of how to help people with their dogs. My lessons are simple and fit into a working life because I know what its like to be married, have kids, and juggle a business all while trying to deal with a few dogs, cats and other moving parts. And I understand how life experiences influence the relationship we have with our dogs and how that changes over time.
Understanding all of life’s variables helps me develop strategies for you and your dog while still dealing with a busy life.

My Background
My education in dog psychology started with a dog training session.
This is when I met Linn Boyke. Linn had a dog psychology center in Los Angeles and after time as a client I became a student and then an employee. I was immersed in a pack of 25+ dogs for weeks at a time and had Linn as my mentor, and the dogs were my teachers. The dogs quickly taught me that if I learned their language, used calm energy and fulfilled their mental and physical needs that I could change even the most serious behavior issues. It was never about force or intimidation and always about connection, fulfillment and understanding.
The amazing lessons learned during that time made a tremendous impact on how I see dogs and help people. Along the way the lessons from my clients and their dogs have continued to teach me new things but I have also had the amazing opportunity to work and share ideas with some of the best minds in the business including: Colleen Steckloff (Lak9s.com), Steve Del Savio (Packleaderdogs.com), Yoa Cristobal (Pawmilly.com) and Art Ortiz (Dogfitdallas.com).
And since 2014 I have had the amazing opportunity to work along side Cesar Millan as his head trainer for the Training Cesars Way Fundamental’s Courses.
Together, we have taught thousands of worldwide students how to improve dog behavior by emphasizing the importance of balanced energy with the basic fundamentals of dog psychology. Being able to work and learn along one of the worlds best has been a tremendous honor and incredible learning experience that I get to share with you.
Give us a call to learn more.
“I work hand in hand with a local dog rescue. As you may expect, we have our fair share of difficult cases and Pack Life has never let us down. From everyday issues like introductions, leash manners, and door etiquette to more extreme situations like aggression, food/toy possession and even Deaf dog training, Todd has been a wonderful resource for our rescue to utilize. Todd has a way of viewing and understanding the interactions between dogs and humans that seems second nature to him. We are fortunate enough to be able to utilize Pack Life’s amazing talents when ever we have an issue and I personally use Pack Life’s services for my own pack. He is my go to name when ever I need to give a recommendation.”