Group Behavior and Socialization Class

“Thanks for the great experience in class. It far exceeded anything I thought I would see from Lucy in such a short time. It was also amazing to see the progress everyone made. I don’t think any of us ever thought we would see our dogs interacting with others like that in 5 weeks! Reading their energy is so interesting and I can see how much I had been misreading Lucy.”
Another training option available and a great way to follow up after a private training session is our 3 week behavioral group class. No matter the dogʼs breed, age or issue, my goal for the class is to help you have a happy, balanced, well behaved dog.
This is not an obedience class, this is a behavioral group class that is going to help you understand how to be a good leader for your dog which requires 3 things. We are going to teach you how to better speak your dogs language - and its not words. We will teach you how to establish and enforce rules, boundaries and limits and we will help you learn ways to mentally and physically exercise your dog . Change is very challenging but we must change small things first, and then we can see big changes in our dogs.
The classes are 2 hrs and will be held once a week for 3 weeks. There is a limit of 5 dogs in the class. The small class size means each dog and owner will get my undivided attention and the whole family is welcome to attend. If you have more than one dog you can bring a different dog to each class.
The class takes place at my home kennel on the Lake Nona/Moss Park side of town. The natural home setting creates a real life training environment helpful to you and the dogs.
week 1
intro to the fundamentals of leadership
The first lesson is a chance for me to learn about you, your dog, and the issues you would like help with. The class covers the fundamentals of leadership that we will be using to help you and your dog. Part lecture, part demo - you are quickly going to see what makes dogs tick and how dogs can immediately start to change with the right approach.
The walk and other forms of exercise
One of the most powerful learning interactions between you and your dog happens when you are attached via the leash. Pulling, leash aggression, nervousness, refusal to move and many other problems are common issues I see on the walk and not only are they annoying for the owner, they teach the dog that walking is not a relaxing event. Most dogs will calm down and stop pulling in a short amount of time when we help you combine good energy with the right tools and techniques. I will also cover treadmill training, running, hiking and biking with your dog. I have taught my dogs to surf so anything is possible.
week 2
Dog to dog and dog to human greetings
Working in a group gives us plenty of opportunity to practice dog on dog greetings and dog/ human greetings. This includes greetings when guests come in your home and is a must if your dog has poor social skills. I will teach you how to introduce your dog to people, dogs, cats and other common critters. Ever want to take your dog to a cafe lunch but canʼt. I will show you how to take your dog into any social situation you would like them to join you in.
3 basic commands everyone needs
Place, down and recall are the 3 basic commands that help owners the most but remember, dogs dont use their ears to communicate so this is for us more than it is for the dogs. Humans make common mistakes when using words so we will help you understand a few small things that make huge differences in how well our commands will work.
week 3
Final class social day on Park Ave. Winter Park farmers market
The last class is a culmination of all the lessons and a chance for me to help each of you do this in the real world. We will be meeting on Park Avenue in Winter Park. Park Avenue is a street busy with shops and restaurants full of people and their dogs. If your dog has social issues of any kind, Park Ave is the type of place you need to be practicing. This last class is on a Saturday morning
“Hi Jennifer-just wanted to let you and Todd know the individual and group training we just completed was one of the best learning experiences I have ever had. Thanks so much!”