Private Training Consultations

Private training is offered two ways: We can come to you, or you can come to us.

Either way the education and hands on experience will help you improve your dogs life and behaviors.

Appointments are two hours and combine education with hands on work. They include a behavioral assessment of your situation, education about the behaviors you are dealing with, and then hands on practice to find the right tools and strategies to help you and your dog(s).

Our simple, easy to follow approach can address all the issues you are having and it only focuses on 3 basic things:

First - I will teach you ways to mentally and physically exercise your dog. I will show you how you to walk, run, swim, treadmill and even surf with your dog. Getting rid of physical energy is mandatory for most dogs to improve or change behaviors. The large majority of issues are dogs releasing pent up, frustrated energy in the form of anxious, fearful and reactive ways.

Second - I will teach you how to communicate in your dogs language. Dogs use energy, actions and body language cues to communicate with one another - not words or sounds. Don’t worry, I am going to show you how to turn your actions into commands, but it’s important to know that dogs learn best when we start with actions, not words. Understanding this can profoundly change things with your dog.

Third - I will take your improved communication and teach you how to establish and enforce rules, boundaries & limits. Dogs intuitively understand these concepts, but most owners are not clear in how to communicate them. Once you learn to properly communicate rules and boundaries you won’t believe it. The things you can get your dog to do - and stop doing - will blow you away. Not jumping or reacting is an example of a rule. Not running out the front door is an example of a boundary and how long they must wait until they eat is an example of a limit.

It’s these basic fundamentals that I use to help owners change behaviors. Improving the connection and communication to a fulfilled dog has proven time and again to be all owners need to help their dogs be the happiest, balanced, best behaved dog on the block.


two or more dogs not getting along?

My approach works great for homes having issues between two or more dogs. When homes with multiple dogs have aggression issues you must understand pack dynamic to change the behavior. Traditional training is not effective with this issue but my approach is based in your dog’s natural, instinctual understanding of social behavior.

My initial education occurred in a pack of 25+ dogs that I was immersed in for weeks at a time and that type of knowledge is critical in helping families with multiple dogs. Since 2007 I have owned 3-7 dogs at a time and have had hundreds of others live with me and those dogs.

Living with packs is the only way someone knows what it takes to help bring balance to homes like yours with multiple dogs. Training a dog is one thing, understanding pack dynamic is something totally different.

After the visit we will email you notes with links, videos and attachments to help you stay focused on your goals.

1 - 2 visits is all it takes for most to transform your dog(s) from unruly pups into happy, balanced, well behaved members of your family.

Please call or text 407-913-2750 and Jennifer can get you on our schedule.

Mastering the walk
I wanted to take the time to tell you how much we appreciated everything you helped us with this weekend! We have already been able to notice a big difference in Charlie and Toby. Toby has not been aggressive to one car since you were here. We just don’t know how to thank you. I finally feel like we have a life line and the tools to properly correct these behaviors.
— Susan Cox